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Perpetuity Calculator

Use our free Perpetuity Calculator to estimate the present value of an infinite cash flow.

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Perpetuity Calculator

Our Perpetuity Calculator helps you determine the present value of an infinite series of cash flows, given a fixed return rate.

What is Perpetuity?

Perpetuity refers to a financial concept where a stream of identical cash flows continues indefinitely without an end date.

Features of the Perpetuity Calculator:

Customizable Inputs: Enter cash flow amount and discount rate for precise calculations.
Accurate Valuations: Get precise present value calculations for infinite cash flows.
Easy to Use: Simple interface for quick computations.

Why Use a Perpetuity Calculator?

  • Estimate the present value of perpetual cash flows.
  • Analyze long-term investments.
  • Enhance financial planning and forecasting.
  • Understand valuation of perpetual income sources.

How to Use the Perpetuity Calculator:

  1. Enter the expected perpetual cash flow.
  2. Input the discount rate (required rate of return).
  3. Click the "Calculate" button to determine the present value.
  4. Analyze the result for informed financial decisions.

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